Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Gift Ideas: Home Movies

You have a box full of vacation slides, family video tapes, heck, maybe even some old movies shot on (gasp!) Super 8. You got rid of your VCR a couple years ago, and you never really owned a slide projector. And, for the life of you, you wouldn't know how to view a Super 8 film even if your old Uncle Lou gave you detailed instructions, along with stories about the "good ol' days" thrown in for free.
Don't know where to take that big box of memories? Head straight to Tanata
where you'll get a 10% discount on all digital transfers. Make your mom cry tears of joy when you relive the terrible two's. Finally get a look at that trip to Amsterdam you took ten years ago. No longer will you be behind the technological times; plus, you'll be able to get rid of that box that's been taking up space in that closet all these years.

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