Saturday, August 2, 2008

Drugstore price challenge

I was given a hint several weeks ago that NYC's Bed Bath and Beyond stores (or at least, the one on 6th Ave & 18th Street) stocks super-discounted drugstore staples and toiletries. They don't sell this stuff on the Bed Bath and Beyond website, unfortunately. I had been finding good deals online at but lately, I've noticed that the prices are only competitive when they're having a sale. While Recession This! does advocate sale hunting - I find it valuable to have a reliable, reasonably priced source for basic drugstore items.

I did some price comparison between Bed Bath and Beyond(BBB),’s regular prices and ubiquitous local drugstore chain Duane-Reade (DR). It's is a very casual comparison and not every item was available at all 3 stores. To my surprise, BBB comes out significantly cheaper on every item.
Here are the results:
Please take note that prices change at the whim of the market and this is only a comparison of a few items over a few days.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Quick Tips

This in from super recession friend Jody F:

In the summer, don't turn on your air conditioner when you're cleaning your apartment. You'll save money on your energy bill and you'll save energy. Not only are you helping your pocketbook, you're helping the environment. And, who cares if you're hot and sweaty while you're cleaning -- you have to take a shower afterwards anyway.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Recession About Town: One Story

A friend brought this great program to my attention. If you enjoy reading and discovering up and coming authors, check it out!

One Story is a non-profit literary magazine that features one great short story mailed to subscribers every three weeks.
A one-year subscription (that's 18 stories) is only $21. This would be an amazing gift for an avid reader. Plus, they make perfect subway reading since they're printed small enough to fit in your back pocket.

One Story also has a free monthly Cocktail Hour & Reading Series allowing their readers and writers to mingle. The readings are usually the first Friday of the month at Pianos. Each month's featured reader chooses a favorite cocktail which is sold at a fair and reduced price from 6:30pm until 8:00pm!
And if you're a writer, you can submit your story for consideration.
Recession This loves an affordable way to support new writers, intellectualize, enjoy a cocktail, and meet new folks!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Recessionista: Bull's Eye

I snatched up this cute outfit from Target. Made by Converse (who knew they made anything other than shoes?), it's sporty, but paired with a pair of heels takes it to the drinks-after-work level. And, the best part -- the skirt and blouse were $24.99 each. Paired with my favorite shoes it's $50.00 outfit. And, because the colors are neutral I can probably mix and match with other clothes already in my closet.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Dear (Recession) Diary

Dear Diary,

Today I realized that I have had the same 3 movies from Netflix sitting at home for over a month! I pay $16.99 per month for unlimited 3-at-a-time but I've been so busy finding great cheap events that I haven't even watched one movie in over 6 weeks - what a waste of money. Next month, I'll downgrade to 1-at-a-time for only $4.99. Or maybe I'll even put my account on hold for up to 90 days while I focus on my social life.