Broke? Not-yet-stimulated? No reason to stay in and bored this weekend; The Simple Dollar has a list of "100 Things To Do During A Money-Free Weekend" filled with great ideas. Some highlights:
#14. Make decisions about and write out your will. A bit morbid, but death's the only certainty other than taxes. And, while we're being morbid, save your loved ones cash by opting for a green burial (they're cheaper!).
#16. Organize a walking tour. If you live in NYC, check out the walking and MTA tours in Time Out.
#20. Start a blog on a topic that interests you. Or share a bunch of ideas with an existing blog (hint, hint).
#27. Try out some great open source and free software. Check out Lifehacker or our previous post.
#37. Cut your own hair. Maybe not such a great idea...
#47. Learn a foreign language. Search YouTube for videos or check out
#57. Turn on the water sprinkler. Another idea we're not so sure about...
#68. Write a letter to your future children or grandchildren. You know, the ones whom you left everything to in #14.
#84. Explore a blog you like. How self-serving can we be?!
Have a great weekend!
[via Simple Dollar]
[Photo by Pesterussa]
I voted and was #107
12 years ago