Thursday, August 21, 2008

Recession Consumption: Urbanspoon

For all you iPhone owners out there if you haven't added the application Urbanspoon stop reading and do so now. First of all, it's free. Second of all, it totally works. Say you need a cheap place to eat, but you're in an unfamiliar neighborhood. With Urbanspoon all you gotta do is pick your neighborhood, type of food you want to eat, and how much you want to spend. Hit "shake" and, like a slot machine, Urbanspoon will find your request within seconds. And, you don't even have to know what you want to eat or how much you want to spend. The application has a feature where you can lock in the the neighborhood, but keep the type of food and $ open fields open. Or, you can lock the neighborhood and type of food, but keep the $ field free. Or...well, you get the idea. The Husband and I used Urbanspoon one night before meeting friends in the East Village. We needed dinner before a night of drinking, so we plugged in "East Village" and "$"; Urbanspoon hooked us up with Velseka where we had two sandwiches, two beverages, chips and cole slaw for $18.00.

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